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How does musical fusion arise?
Aktivita 6 CTL 02017 foto Robert Ragan 2
Angrusori is Touring in the United Kingdom
Angrusori foto Robert Ragan 5
Concert at Ogna Scene in Norway
Aktivita 6 CTL 02017 foto Robert Ragan 6
Roma from Eastern Slovakia sing with Norwegians and Iva Bittová
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Check out the Angrusori video from Pohoda!
Angrusori again in Slovakia!
Angrusori foto Jarma Uhlikova5
Review of Angrusori
Rikscenenen 7
Angrusori at the Cheltenham Jazz Festival
Angrusori foto Robert Ragan 12
Angrusori at Vossa Jazz 2023
Four concerts in Norway coming up soon!
Angrusori turneplan Norge
Review of Angrusori
Tou 5
Concerts in Norway
Angrusori BA 112
Petr Dorůžka writes about Angrusori in the cultural magazine Uni.
Angrusori BA 63
Angrusori: On the Connections Between Norwegian Improvisation and Slovak Roma Songs
Nils Henrik and Petter
Angrusori: Live at Tou review – Romany songs of birth, death and black comedy
Angrusori foto Jarma Uhlikova12
International Scientific Conference "Ubuntu"
Sign up for the workshop with Iva Bittová: Žingora Vocal School - Voices for Joy and Peace
Iva Bittova
Pre-production Meeting for Musicians
Predprodukcne stretnutie
Angrusori finally Live!
Angrusori 1
Listen to the musicians' reaction to the Radio_Head Award
Petter Frost Fadness Roman Harvan
Angrusori won the Radio_Head Award
Angrusori Radio Head
Record of the Radio_Head Awards Jury Meeting
Janka Belišová on Czech Radio Proglas
Janka belisova
This is what work meetings look like too.
Nomination for the Radio_Head Award in the World Music / Folk Category 2021
Angrusori in the Morning Broadcast of Czech Radio Proglas.
Iva Bittova
ANGRUSORI is selected in the TOP 200 Best Albums.
Angrusori pocas workshopu v kosickej tabacke
Preparing the Angrusori Tour
Video conferencing remote work online meeting by richlegg gettyimages 1217005886 2400x1600 100839417 large
Angrusori on Rádio FM
R Oman Harvan 2
Review in The Guardian
Foto 1
We completed the Seminar.
We are starting!
Angrusori live at tou 2021